Counseling & Coaching


Counseling and Coaching

At GateWay of Hope, we provide counseling, coaching, and group support aimed at leading women to discover hope, pursue healing, and live in wholeness. For some, this may mean learning to set healthy boundaries in their lives, recovering from the loss of a loved one or managing life stressors of school or work. For others it may mean surviving abuse, coping with trauma, or mending relationships.


Services In Detail


Our counseling services are provided by licensed mental health professionals who maintain a focus on the whole person — body, mind and spirit. Our counselors work from a Christian perspective. For those who request it, we integrate God and faith into the counseling process, with a focus on faith and deepening your relationship with God.

We offer three types of Counseling:

Mental Health Counseling for women who struggle with mental health issues such as
depression, anxiety, PTSD or dissociation.

Personal Growth Counseling for those who want help with boundaries, decision-making, relationships or loss and grief.

Spiritual Formation Counseling is designed for women who want to focus on their relationship with God and beliefs about God, or women who have struggled with spiritual abuse or negative experiences in the church.



GateWay of Hope Coaching offers women the chance to work one-on-one with professional coaches who can help them make positive changes in their lives. Through Coaching, our clients gain a supportive, encouraging partner who can help them be accountable for and focused on a plan for moving forward.

Call today to find out more information or to schedule your appointment – 913.393.GATE (4283)


We offer a variety of therapy and prayer groups.  To learn more about our groups, vist the Support Groups page here.


Love From Our Clients

“I am thankful for God putting the information about GateWay in my path at the exact time I needed it.”

“Thank you for not giving up on me. GateWay is my safe place.”

“GateWay has always been there when I didn’t have the courage to go on.”